If you are looking for a relationship with a married woman, you need to be confident and have a strategy to win her over. Make her feel that extra bit special and treat her as just a woman instead of someone's wife. The more attention and care you lavish on her and take pride in her accomplishments, the more she will be attracted to you.
You may be bumping into a married woman of late regularly, and your instinct says she is interested in hooking up with you. Maybe you need to be sure of her actions before you make your move. Since she is married, you need to take extra care as any tactless approach could blow up the entire situation. There could be several reasons why she is displaying such behavior and some of the signs that you can look for to confirm her interest in you are as follows:
Observe her body language: The way we interact with each other is reflected in our body language that comprises of gestures, posture, and non-verbal communication. At times while communicating verbally, we unknowingly send out negative signals. Body language helps people to identify the way somebody feels about them while talking. If you plan to hook up with a married woman, you need to be able to discern the following body signals:
Gets close to you: If she tries to be in proximity when you are around and tries to maneuver herself subtly to be near, it could be a sign she has an interest in you. You will find she will try to find ways to strike up a conversation to attract your attention.
If she starts making patterns on her wrist or hands and unclasps her arms in front of you, it could be a signal of her interest. It is indicative that she is comfortable in your presence and would be reciprocal to your interest in her.
Keeps playing with her hair: When she keeps moving her hands through her hair or just keeps touching it, she wants to attract the man she is speaking with. When you see her touching her hair, your attention is drawn to her more, and you will pay more attention to her physical traits, which is what she is primarily interested in.
More signs of her interest in you: It is found that while married women focus on body language to catch the attention of a man, it is not the sole ploy they use. Once you begin to show interest in her body language, she can resort to other ways of seduction like:
You need to be aware there is no foolproof way to determine a married woman's interest in you exactly. It is best not to have unrealistic expectations when dating a married woman, about her leaving her husband and family for you. There are plenty of such married women that are okay with having an extramarital affair while staying within their marriage. You also need to be careful that she is no just having an affair with you to spite her husband as that could have unpleasant repercussions!
Behave manlily: From the way you walk and talk to body language, all should exude manliness to attract a married woman enough to get her into bed. When you ooze masculinity, it will appeal to her sensuality and arouse her during your interactions. Studies have shown that married women are attracted to men that portray manliness in their body language and actions.
Let her know she has appeal: As per studies done, many women having an attractive feature, which they are not aware of. So, if you want to get a married woman to have a physical relationship with you, you must capitalize on her physical appeal and boost her confidence. While most married women may appear to be confident deep down, many of them are very insecure about their looks and attractiveness. If you make her realize you find her incredibly appealing and boost her ego, she is more likely to respond to your physical overtures.
Make it a point to flirt with her: If you want to gain her attention and show your interest in her, you need to flirt. Flirting is one of the easiest ways to attract the attention of a woman you fancy. Most married women would not have experienced flirting since they were married. So if you step in and fill the void by flirting, you could arouse feelings within her.
Work on arousing her: Once you begin to flirt with her, and she knows your intentions, you must change your tack to arousing her physical desires. The more you arouse her through words or body language, the quicker she will be filled with the desire to have a physical relationship with you. When you stimulate her desires enough physically, she will increasingly want to be intimate with you.
Try to touch her: The power of physical touch can never be overestimated. Apart from seducing her with words and signals, try to find opportunities to touch her in a very casual manner. Touch her by patting her hand or knee while having a casual conversation, and if she appears comfortable with the gesture, you could move further with your actions.
Finally, dating a married woman is always very exciting, and quite unlike single dating women. It has an air of thrill and excitement, especially if it is a discreet relationship. However, you must consider all angles before getting into a relationship by examining the pros and cons before stepping into the affair.