For those that are bisexual, there are quite many challenges to overcome their orientation. They have certain common issues that we discuss in the text below.
Stepping out: Being able to accept the fact of oneself is the biggest challenge for most bisexuals as they go through a great deal of turmoil and stress within. Then stepping out in front of the family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors is fraught with uncertainty. Usually, the heterosexual community attributes it to just a fad, or that one is mentally confused. Likewise, there can be derision from the gay community also where some will say that you feel shame on being identified as completely gay. It is these external factors that add immensely to stress levels when you finally do decide to come out in public.
Handling society: The first issue that most crops up is dealing with the response of your family that may be displeased or downright angry for displaying your actual; sexual preferences. There may be arguments, refusal to support you, threat to kick you out of the house, or even physical violence. You will need to handle feelings of isolation and try to connect with other members of the bisexual community for support.
Scorn from your peers: There will be certain segments in the LGBT community that refuse the idea of anything called bisexuality and instead will accuse you of not being able to admit to your homosexuality. You might have to deal with name-calling and stereotyping from both the heterosexual and homosexual communities.
Discrimination in society: There is always discrimination found in all walks of life, from academics to the workplace and society in general. At times these may also take a form of physical violence, so you need to be mentally prepared with the shaming, name-calling, and other forms of mental and physical discomfiture that bisexuals face in our society.
Take care of mental health: With anxiety and depression major issues among the bisexual population, you must take proper preventive or health care measures to deal with these issues, if they arise. Try to avoid substance abuse as that will further exacerbate the issues and will lead to risky behavior at times.
Dating: You need to be sure of the partner you are dating to have them feel comfortable about you sharing your orientation, as it might come as a total shock to them. They can become rude, insensitive, jealous, and even end the relationship. You need a partner that has an open mind when it comes to relationships and does not mind sharing you with another partner.
If you have bisexual tendencies and are in a straight relationship, it could complicate things if your partner is not supportive. However, if you have a partner with no predefined attitude to love or in an open relationship, it could make things exciting. Having threesomes is quite normal with bisexual couples if both partners are mature enough to realize that it is just the fulfillment of one's sexuality, and it does not affect the status of their relationship. For women to be bisexual is more of a fetish or fantasy, by many men that are turned on by the idea of bedding two women together at the same time. When the man is bisexual, it is more difficult for a woman to share herself with an additional partner in threesomes unless she is adventurous enough to explore her sexuality.
This is subjective, with some men open to the idea, while others may not be comfortable sharing their partner with someone else. If you have a very bohemian attitude to love and sex, then dating a bisexual woman is something very thrilling to look forward to. This is especially the case where your partner is keen on having a threesome with her partner and you involved. It can be a very passionate and mind-blowing experience that many men frequently fantasize about but are unable to fulfill their hidden desires. You and your partner need to be forthright with each other about your inner desires and mutually open to the idea of a third partner joining you'll in your romantic sessions.
You need to recognize her affinity: Bisexuals are women and men that have an attraction for both genders. If you plan to date a bisexual, you must be okay with their attractions to another woman. While she may be attracted to both genders, it does not imply that she will fall for every woman she comes across. Like normal individuals, they have their standards.
While they may be physically attracted to one gender, they may have romantic feelings for the other gender. At no point, ask her if she prefers intimacy with you or another woman better.
Be open to their bisexuality: When you date a woman that identifies as bisexual, you need to be comfortable with the idea that she will probably remain that way forever. It does not matter if she is head over heels in love with you now, because she can always get drawn physically to a woman that stimulates her physically also. Do not try to convince her that she is straight if she is dating you, and her orientation is just a passing phase. Accept her sexuality and her the way she is to have a mutually satisfying relationship.
Do not doubt her fidelity: Never assume that just because she is bi, she will necessarily be unfaithful. There is a general misconception around bisexuals they have an over-powerful sex drive and will jump into bed with any man or woman they come across. Bisexuals are just about as faithful, like any general man or woman. There are promiscuous ones as well just like with heterosexuals, but that differs from person to person. It is the character of the partner that is more of importance than their orientation.
Remember, it is okay to be different, and being bisexual is not an aberration. It is something natural, and you should be completely fine with it. Life will always have challenges no matter what your orientation, what counts is having a positive attitude to deal with them.