For men and women in their 40s that are dating partners and considering to marry them, there is no fixed period for them to date before taking the plunge. Since most individuals are financially secure by that age, it is generally a good idea to live together for a year or two before deciding to head to the altar. It helps to understand each other better, and you can be more confident in entering into a marital bond together.
While dating in our 40s is completely different from that in the 20s with our idea and perspective of love changing completely, there are certain things we need to keep in mind like:
Having a family: Men and women are wired differently biologically, and this is the case when it comes to starting a family. Women that want to start a family in their 40s might find it more of a challenge as the chances of conceiving diminish. Men, on the other hand, can father children until much later. Women that do not start a family by that age tend to have different priorities in comparison to younger women with kids. In cases where either of the partners has children from a previous relationship, it can bring a whole new set of challenges as well. However, if both partners are in sync and work together, it can be a very gratifying relationship.
Change in bodies: The 40s are when the body begins to go on the decline as we age. It takes longer to recover, and health issues tend to pop up more frequently. This can create a mental block to date anyone. Instead of staying single because you are uncomfortable about your body, take the initiative and take good care of it. From exercising regularly to having a well-balanced diet and getting adequate rest can help us to remain healthy and physically fit.
As per science, men generally remain sexually active for much longer than women. In the case of women, they reach their peak sexually in their 40s. Apart from illness, intimacy issues mainly arise from a lack of confidence and are psychological. You cannot have unrealistic expectations of being as sexually active as you were in your 20s. If you have a partner that is in the 40s like you, they will also not be as active as they were when younger. This makes it easier for both partners to adjust and include more sensuality in their physical intimacy.
Perspective: When compared to a younger person, anyone in their 40s will have a different outlook on relationships. Older men and women are more inclined to commit since they are clear about what they expect from a relationship. Because of their overall life experience, they have a better idea of issues and how to handle them. Since they are getting on in age, they know they have to make the most of any relationship to find happiness. They realize the clock is ticking and want to make the best of what they have, including a relationship they are in. Maturity makes them easier going and comfortable with a desire to value what they have in a relationship.
Practical expectations: When we compare what an older person expects from their partner than a younger one, there is a marked difference. Instead of focusing on physical attributes, wealth, and social standing, they look more at having a loving, considerate, and caring partner instead. This is because they have realized that inner beauty is more significant than outer.
There again is no hard and fixed age to get married. This can differ from one person to another. The main thing is to be comfortable with the idea of settling down with someone, be willing to accept responsibility, be financially independent, and have the maturity to weather storms that pop up from time to time in a relationship while working together as a team. While there is no fixed age, studies have shown that those getting married in the age bracket of 28-32 are more likely to stick together at least for the first five years. It depends on the individuals in a relationship and their willingness to be committed to each other.
We will examine living together before marriage from both perspectives, the pros, and cons:
Whether you are in your 20s or 40s, living together can be a good way to realize if both of you are willing to settle down to married life. The only advantage of doing it when in your 40s is you have the experience and patience to handle issues better than when you are young and immature.